Empowering People.
Overcoming Poverty.
Empowering People.
Overcoming Poverty.
“The big reason poor people are poor is because they don’t have enough money, and it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that giving them money is a great way to reduce that problem.”
Charles Kenny, Economist
Rethinking Social Welfare.
Poverty is a growing crisis for individuals and families that current social welfare programs aren’t designed to solve. These systems are inefficient, with high administrative costs and limited services. The process of receiving these services is complicated, time-consuming, and often dehumanizing for those who need them. In the end, people don’t receive the support they really need and the cycle of poverty continues. There’s a better way.

The Power of Basic Income.
People experiencing poverty know best where and how to invest in themselves. Direct Cash Transfers are the most effective and efficient way to make this happen. By addressing poverty at its source, the impact of Basic Income is long-lasting and life-changing. Without restrictions or obligations, giving individuals and families the freedom to make their own financial choices preserves the dignity that everyone deserves. But that’s only the beginning.
“Free money works. Already, research has correlated unconditional cash disbursements with reductions in crime, child mortality, malnutrition, teenage pregnancy, and truancy, and with improved school performance, economic growth, and gender equality.”
Rutger Bregman, “Utopia For Realists: And How We Get There”
Local to Global
When individuals experience economic security, the surrounding community benefits, and eventually, the world. We’re confident we can demonstrate a better system that will end homelessness and poverty on a massive scale. We’ve launched our pilot program in Arizona, where our unhoused neighbors are experiencing the highest death rates in the nation. As we gather our own data, we’ll launch the second phase of our program to reach people in need worldwide. You can help make this happen.
“I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective — the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.