Help The Logical Foundation


Your tax-deductible contribution will be used where the need is greatest and the impact is most significant.

Participate in social media campaigns! ( minutes)

In order to make big leaps forward, we need to get on the radar of powerful key players. We will need your help reaching out en-masse to powerful philanthropists, companies, and government entities that can meaningfully improve our trajectory.

Help friends, family, and coworkers subscribe and get involved.

Person-to-person conversations are extremely important to growing this movement. Whenever you get the opportunity, please introduce people to basic income and invite them to visit our website and get involved!

Host a Fundraiser or Foundation Party! You only need to spend 5 minutes talking to everybody about our work and helping them get involved. Apart from that, it would be no different from a regular party.

Organize a Foundation Talk at your company! If you need, we’d be happy to provide someone to discuss our work and how your organization and/or coworkers could help our mission.

Help us connect with powerful people or organizations

People often have surprising connections with powerful people or organizations. You can help your connections become involved with our incredibly impactful work.


There are all sorts of meaningful things that we need help with. From doing work behind the scenes to running social media channels, there’s a lot of meaningful volunteer work available for anyone with free time that wants to do good.

Donate (Only donate if you can afford to do so)

If you have the ability to donate, we would love to talk to you. At the end of the day, we want to enable people to help others in the most impactful way. We need your donations to change the world.

Something else?

We would love to hear your ideas. Contact us at

Start A Fundraiser
Invite Us To Speak 
Employer Gift Matching
Leave A Legacy
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